The Limpopo Writing Project
We are trying to raise money and collect donations for the Limpopo Writing Project in South Africa. The purpose of the Limpopo Writing Project is to have teachers at all levels focus on the teaching of writing in their classrooms and after the Invitational Institute, to have these teachers share their knowledge with other teachers.
We need money so that we can bring 12 teachers to the University of Limpopo for the 1st Invitational Institute during the first two weeks of January, 2009. We need to provide room and board since teachers will be coming from all over this northern part of South Africa. We also would like to provide each teacher with a laptop so therefore we are looking for donations for 12 laptop computers. If you have a used computer that you are no longer using we’d love to have it. If you know of an organization or individuals that would donate laptops, please contact me.
We are also collecting donations for supplies for the institute including paper, pencils, notebooks, and notecards. We also would like to publish an anthology of the teachers’ writing. In addition, we’d like to sponsor at least one promising writing student per teacher. $50 would allow one student to pay school registration fees, receive a school uniform and provide lunch for the entire school year.
This project is in conjunction with the San Antonio Writing Project. We raised money and received grants that allowed two South African teachers to attend our five week 2008 Summer Institute. Their professor also attended the last two weeks of the institute. The San Antonio Writing Project is a part of The National Writing Project.
The Director of the Limpopo Writing Project is Dr. Leketi Makalela and the two Co-Directors are Nakedi Makgoba and Ngokoana Dikgari. I’m the Director of the San Antonio Writing Project, the group that is sponsoring the Limpopo Writing Project and leading the fund-raising. If you’d like to help, please write checks to The Limpopo Writing Project and send it in care of: Dr. Roxanne Henkin, 207 Northcrest Dr, San Antonio, TX 78213. If you have other contributions or questions, please feel free to contact me at Thanks for helping this dream come true.