Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 2 Limpopo Writing Project

Today Ngokoana & Nakedi spent the day with us and shared some of their experiences with the San Antonio Writing Project and the Limpopo Writing Project. We spent time discussing the presentations and looked closely at Vicki's demonstration. Her demo and the videos she shared had us thinking about our lives as digital immigrants. There is so much to learn! Later when we went to the computer lab we finally got everyone an email and invited to the google site.

I had dinner with Nakedi, Ngokoana, and Ngokoana's friend who is a professor. We found that we had so much in common as we talked about the importance of bringing writing to all the learners in South Africa.

Here is what I wrote during our journal time today:

I am so happy to be back at The University of Limpopo with all of you. This is truly a dream come true. Yesterday was a long and productive day that ended with a dramatic program and dancing. Then as we went to the lodge, the electricity went out and the sky was spectacular. Everywhere I looked the stars shimmered and they seemed to almost touch the earth. I've lost that view living in the city by a highway with the cars whizzing by leaving a perpetual hum and the stars obstructed by the city lights. I needed to come back to Africa to restore my sense of peace.

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